Sunday, January 22, 2006
A Relation is not an emotion,
Mistily, it is yet an emotion,
It is never, transparent fully,
Mistily, it is yet a motleyed notion.

We have different relations with the people around us. Not to mention it is a fundamental need. At some age parents are most essential and at some age friends and a point arrives when a partner cannot be dispensed with. And later in life, kids and support and all the obvious relations that exist.

But every relation is finite and limited. For everyone want their own happiness from others and nothing else. Every relation built and mantained is for one's own pleasure or need, now or later. Kids are cute and adorable because they are so innocent and sinless. But apart from that, why do the parents 'love' their kids ? Isn't their an expecation hidden, that the child shall support us in our days of feebleness. I do not belittle this attitude, but I can also not neglect it. Why do we make friends ? For others ? Or for our own company and socializing... It is all a give-and-take. One may scorn such views as disparaging but it is the very basis of our kinship. Why do we cry when someone dies ? Is it for them ? It is for our own selves.

Talking of relations, sometimes I feel that the teacher-student relation has been much hypersanctified. Everybody works for money and recognition and that is for themselves. They claim students are not interested in studying or gaining knowledge rather passing away with minimal work. But think, why would someone gain knowledge ? For money and recognition... What else ? So why the grading of interests...

Not the forget the much exaggerated and fancied lover relationship. Unconditional love is much different from what we see or hear around us. It is too rare to be experienced rather seen even, by everyone. But the crimson red emotion has its own wonders. Love. True when there is no expectation left and no desire except existance.

Octagon. 8 points. I have been mercilessly tagged by dear Pradyot I have to write 8 points about the person who could qualify to be my lover or maybe vice-versa. In any case, this.. is.. a.. tough.. one.

Love should be unconditional- I think that wraps up the whole thing at once and envelopes all the following things.
! - Care
Love and care are brothers you see.
@- Compassion
One who can love, is most compassionate. He can never inflict pain to others for personal interests and cannot be without empathy
#- Understanding
The understand of oneself and the other, One's own needs and the other's, One's own expectations and the others, One's own limit and the other's is a key point for any healthy relationship.
$- Humility
Oh how bitter this ego is. Oh how bitter it is.
%- Inspiration
My love should for always be a source of inspiration for me to revere and respect.
^- Calmness
A serene sense of thought and patient activity make a man.
&- Contentment
A content mind is the home of well-being.
*- Sense of Humor
Someone who is able to understand my sense of humor and who can make me laugh is a must.

Have I made it too ideal to be ?
P.S. The colors haven't finished. :D
really profound... ur posts r different in the sense tht they r really philosphical... they force the reader to think at a different angle, higher plane

btw nice new pic :D
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ur posts are very philosphical...

very ideal person ur looking for...hope u find him!!!
bt on which condns wud u compromise...(if u dnt get ur perfect 8)
acha hua u did it .. i tagged u as well .. u dont have to do it again .. and i saved myself frm one person :D. will read this looong post after a while.

buhbye & take care .
hey u did it brilliantly. nice way to start .. and thn those 8 points .. u did well . hehe i sucked though .. but it was bound to happen.

My love should for always be a source of inspiration for me to revere and respect.

see i so believe in this .. but couldnt write it there .. so these things r bette felt thn written .

nice one sneha ( anpadh i mean ) .
"#" makes more sense.. even I have been tagged and would sooner or later have to do justice.

But having listed things about love I would like to quote this, it makes more sense to anybody in any relation.

"You were born together, and together you shall be for evermore
you shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music

Give your hearts but not into each other's keeping
for only the hand of life can contain your hearts

And stand together yet not too near together
for the pillars of the temple stand apart
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.." - Khalil Gibran

If being cynic is the only way we could see relations better, then I guess we have to be.. (on 'Relations')

there are two forms of "give and takes"

1. economical
2. emotional

economical is very transparent and clear and needs no explanations... they work around a common denominator of currency... and thats it...

relations are based on the second form of give and take where you have an "emotional bank account" and you make deposits when you keep on giving... and you withdraw it whever needed in the form of taking...

but the trick here to maintain any form of relationship is that unlike any bank account one needs to make sure that there is no comparison between the gives and takes i.e. some can take more than what they give provided the other person doesnt mind... as long as this account works on this... relationships can be deemed unlimited... again i emphasize the word "deemed" :)

that was my chaarana (25 cents)... and as usual... nice post...
Hey Sneha, Nice post. I hope you get someone having all 8 qualities but u know it is difficult right??..:) Keep searching..Doodne se toh bhagwan bhi milta hai..:)

Abt relations, I don't think every relationship has a motive and I don't agree a parent when they love there child have an expectation of any kind. Maybe I am wrong. But me toh thinking of kicking my kid out of the house at 16... In US that is normal...:):) Hehehehe just kidding. But i think that one relationship is so pure that expectations don't come in play. Maybe I have not entered that phase of life to know for sure but lets see..

I don't want to takeup to much space here. So I will write post about one of my friends and this topic. So till then Enjoy...
When it comes to a wonderful and serious topic like human relationships, I cannot hep myself from commenting. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but there are a few points that I cannot completely agree with:

Knowledge, education, schooling of the mind - I wonder what these words mean to people. Do they translate to "earning more money"?

**...Why would someone gain knowledge ? For money and recognition...**

Not true. While I agree that we cannot live without money, I cannot see it as the only (chief) motive of my life.

For some of us, a certain kind of knowledge is an end in itself. Moreover, a satisfying work is its own reward.

**Unconditional love is much different from what we see or hear around us. It is too rare to be experienced rather seen even, by everyone.**

Blessed are those who can actually even understand the phrase "unconditiona love". It hurts to see the phrase being tossed around like a commonplace concoction.

Those who understand acceptance, and those who practice tolerance will surely experience it.

Cynicism does not help relationships. And there are relationships that do not hold any self-centered motives. Expectations are the death-knell of great relationships.

Once again, I meant no disrespect either to the author of this post, or to anyone else here. I just couldn't hep myself.

Thank you.
completely agree with you on relationships..we commit in it for ourselves. as for your search for an ideal lover, heres a quote,"rather than searching for an ideal love, if we try to BE one, life wud be much simple."
better the colors not end, coz you write so well. keep it up.
A content mind is the home of well-being.

This is something unique I read it here.

Isn't their an expecation hidden,
Every relationship has this hidden expectation factor...no matter how close it may be. Maybe its law of nature...during our life span we are going to get "linked" to few people and this linking can be termed as a relationship. Isnt it?

One cant live alone all their life...you need someone and when you have that person, you are expecting him/her not to leave you alone.
"It's all give n take"

I'm with you.
Hi Sneha,
I beg to defer with you almost completely on your last post. All realtions do not seek thigs in return. Take love for an example. True love signifies extreme devotion for ones beloved and seeking absolutely nothing . And believe me, I have seen many such cases from real close range
Relationships have always bewildered me.
It is true every relation serves a specific purpose, but then it is an existential need , like oxygen. Anyone can live alone, but living with relations is easier. Relations are natural. From the time we are born we have a relation with nature , with god.
It is more than give-and-take.
And only love is not unconditional. Some friendships are unconditional too. But hey , love is also a form of friendship.
Relations have always bewildered me.

Anyways , keep writing.
Will be a regular visitor her.
girl ...for a 20 year old...u seem to have quite the patience and the insight into things...and a view on everything....thats good.
Oh pradyot,
Dear there is a great difference between being egoless and having no self-respect. The person you talk about to be submissive shall lack self-esteem.And dear, about the content part, read the next post.

Oh vikram,
Lolz! Thats for me to decide! :P

Oh amit,
Thanks amit. I write my heart out here. And ya, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder...

Oh Atul,
I hope to find him too..
And what I shall sacrifice is to be decided there and then you see.

Oh Anuj,
You're a very tag-inflicting guy! Lolz.. But its okay. Thank you padha-likha anuj.

Oh Φ,
Wow! What a quote
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music

I'm marvelled! Wow!
And I so much agree with you... :)

Oh iyer,
Your 'charaana' was valuable dear. I really agree with your delightful picture of emotional economics. :)

Oh suds,
Lets see what destiny has in store for me. :)
There are pure relations. And I never say, that the only motive behind parents grooming their child is their expectation. But it is always there. They want support when they're weak and there's nothing wrong. Give-take is a necessary part of life. :)

Oh Pradeep,
Never hesitate to put forward your views, how so much conflicting they are.. Afterall, what are comments for ?

Knowledge is not always for money. It is the food of ego too. We sometimes selfishly love knowledge because we know it will do us good. I repeat, it will do 'US' good. I totally agree with your say about love, the unconditional one. Not everyone can even hear about its truth. Some special hearts are fortunate enough to experience it. Not everyone.

And there are relationships that do not hold any self-centered motives
Only love!

You have, in no way, disrespected anyone including me. I assure you. Rather I was pleased to see a different view.
Our lives are differnt, and we infer differently. We have a right to think differently and yet respect each other. I do. :)

Oh Rajat,
Thank you dear. Nice quote there...

Oh Arz00n,
Very true! You are always expecting somethings from relationships. Good to know the truth but better to know that the truth is good.

Oh Rohit,
Thank you rohit. :)

Oh Ayush,
Love, Ayush, is a different thing altogether. I told you what I though.. Right ?

Oh Shreyansh,
And the friendships you talk about are love essentially. This whole human psyche has always bewildered me.... :)

Oh Nandya,
Thank you nandya. But I can never know how true that is or how deep I am. Just trying my best. :)
well said.

but i'm scared of idealism.
i believe no one can ever love a perfect person.
Yaar... how do you always come up with things so deep that I alway have to agree ??

I mean! Kaise ????

good 1 yaar
Whoa...pretty profound! I agree with it!!! (Never really thought of this stuff before) But I o believe that there are some relationships which are totally unselfish...it's just that these are rare, VERY rare.
And hope you find your perrrr-fect partner soon. :D

not bad for a prop"hound" I guess..

Oh Phoenix,
Then for you, we could just call it 'fear of the unknown'. Try to face it once. You'll realize how inaccurate your belief was.

Oh Mani,
Thanks dear. I guess great minds think alike. Lolz!!!

Oh the girl,
Rare. Rare. Sneha agrees. And she hopes too. :) Thanks.

Oh Φ,
Lolzz.. I did not mean a propHound.
Profound for you sire!
Profound for you.
having any relation without expectation or condition is v tuff,,,
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
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